Hello 2 all,
how can I put an HTML file as the body of a mail message without length limitation of this html file?
I've tried with MAPIMessages and MailItem object from Oulook Automation, but I have limitations of size because the only way of setting the value of the body is via a text property (NoteText in MAPI messages and HTMLBody in Outlook) and the size is quite limited.
I can't use the Navision's MAPIhandler because it doesn't allow BCC recipients and this is one of my requirements.
Any kind of help will be pretty welcome.
Thanks in advance.
I fond it in www.navision.net
good look :whistle:
Did anyone?
Thanks in advance
Marco Morreale
Have you tried using Mail Merge functionality in Navision ??
If you use interaction templates, you can use an DOC or HTML file as a e-mail body (if your mail client is outlook).
You can create a similar process (is codeunit 5054 - Word Management).