Filtering Cue Groups

Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
edited 2011-05-10 in NAV Three Tier
Hi guys!
I'm wondering someone has already faced a problem like this.
I've to filter cue groups of the Role Center, according to the Responsiblity Center chosen by the user during the login.
To do this I created a FlowFilter in the table "Sales Cue"
Enabled	Field No.	Field Name	Data Type	Length	Description
Yes	   50000	  RC Filter	Code	           10	
Now I placed this code in the trigger OnOpenPage() of the part "SO Processor Activities"
SETFILTER("RC Filter",UserSetup.GetSalesFilter);
but it doesn't work. have you got an idea about what I missed?
PS: I saw a colleague of mine that use this method and it works, but I can't find what is the difference.
Thx a lot in advance!
It works as expected... More or Less...


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