Creation of sales line

sbillysbilly Member Posts: 231
edited 2011-05-05 in NAV Three Tier
Hi ,
how can I create sales order line dynamically, using web service. Not like in FreddyK tutorial.
NewSO.SalesLines = new Sales_Order_Line[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                NewSO.SalesLines[i] = new Sales_Order_Line();
            SO_srv.Update(ref NewSO);


  • MattKeyesMattKeyes Member Posts: 41
    Based on your recent questions it seems like you need to spend some time going through some tutorials.

    Here is one on extension codeunits, but it will accomplish what you need and walk through how to get the basics of a published page in C#:

    You can play with it to learn how to expand that to work for sales lines.
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