Line No Issue in RTC Service Item Worksheet

jfrjfr Member Posts: 17
edited 2011-05-19 in NAV Three Tier
In the RTC Service Item Worksheet we encounter a quite confusing problem with line numbers.
When I use Classic Client to insert successive lines of different line types, for each line a number out of 10000..20000..30000..40000..xxxxx is assigned.

When I do the same in RTC, the system begins to split line numbers and therefore changes the line order in the underlying table :|

I know the underlying table and codeunit are responsible to set the line nos, but there seems to be a different behaviour/bug in RTC that causes this phenomenon.
Can anyone explain this behaviour? any connection with the line type (item/resource/cost) ?

Check the attached CRONUS NAV 2009 R2 Screenshots to see how RTC service item worksheet lines are saved in the service line table. (after a reload of the page the order is displayed according to the line nos in the table).


  • jfrjfr Member Posts: 17
    Error is resolved by Microsoft:
    This has already been reported as an error, and it is fixed for the next version (“NAV7”), and the fix is simply to remove the OnInsertRecord code from page 5907 Service Item Worksheet Subform:

    "Line No." := GetNextLineNo(xRec,BelowxRec);
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