Connector Navision 2009 R2 CRM 2011 - Mapping Option Fields

bechtlebechtle Member Posts: 2
edited 2011-05-04 in NAV Three Tier
I´ve created a new Option Field in the NAV Item Table with this Options: ,High School (HS),Inbound (INB),Work Study Travel (WST),Versicherung (VERS).
In CRM I´ve created the same Field as Type Optionlist with the same options.

After that
- I executed the "Generate Integration ID`s" Function in the Marketing & Sales Setup Card in NAV.
- Restarted NavService,Nav Webservice and Connector Service
- Startet Connector and executed the Configuration utility for NAV an CRM again
- Changed the Map "NAV Item Card to Product" by adding the new mapping for this field

After Synchronization I get the error:
"Item: 10000100]. Name: High_School_HS not found in Picklist: Division on entity: product."

Whats the "trick" in synchronizing such Option Fields between NAV and CRM.

I will be pleased about any suggestion in this topic.
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