Can I create a chart based on multiple tables?

undercoverundercover Member Posts: 3
edited 2011-05-04 in NAV Three Tier
I want to know if it is possible to create a chart in RTC based on multiple table. I know about chart generator but it is based on single table. For example if I want to see on RTC on first page a chart with :-available amount in bank accounts, available amounts in cash desk, due receivables invoices, due payables invoices end so one.



  • azerty74azerty74 Member Posts: 82
    No, the Chart, at this moment, can only have 1 table as a source, as you can see in the description of the xsd file explained here: ... -file.html.

    But, maybe you can create a new table that contains the required fields and values (voa coding) and use that as the source for your chart.

    Or, if you work in SQL, you could create a view in SQL, map it as a linked table in NAV, and use that as a source for the chart ?
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