Mailmerge not working in RTC

leegeorgeHughesleegeorgeHughes Member Posts: 26
edited 2011-05-03 in NAV Three Tier

I have a 2009R2 database running RTC and Classic. The Mailmerge functionality works fine on Classic but not on RTC. When I try and merge a document I get an error that "this is a message for C/AL Programmers: The Call to Member Open failed - The file could not be found ("c:\..\_TEMP_0a4d10d425a640f729bc...").

I have found that the file has actually been created on the server in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer\users\"Username"\"Username"\TEMP

I have given the server service and the domain user explicit full permissions to the folder and still get the error. ](*,)

I have tried performing the same action on a copy of the database on my laptop and it works fine.

The main difference is that my laptop has Office installed and the server does not.

So my question is - does Office need to be isntalled on the server for the RTC server service to deal with Mailmerges or is there a way to pass the data to the client, which has office installed, and get it to do it?



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