Hi all,
I have published pages 42 and 43 as webservices, I can read and create new orders. Now I want to enter also an invoice discount similar to F9 in classic client. Therefore I published also pages 160 and 402. My code in .NET runs without errors but no data is saved into NAV.
Did anyone manage to enter an invoice-discount into NAV via webservices? How?
Thanks for any help
I posted this also on dynamicsuser.net
You can give invoice discount using with webservice. But you need to do some customization. If you are using R2 no need change a lot. 2009 SP1(SG) need to change field to global variable. 2009 W1 no need to change. I don't know this problem
You cannot be give both discount. It means, if you give Inv. Discount Amount, total Excl. Gst cannot work. You can give only one.
Best Regards,
I checked W1 but there is no difference to our version of pages 160 and 402.
Our version is R2.
If I understood well, then You managed to add a invoice-discount to an order. You mentioned to change some fields to global variable. Could You explain a little bit? Or if explanation is to much You could send me Your changed version of page 160 or 402.
It is terrible if You have code running without errors but it is not doing what You expect - and if You know someone did it before.
Please try with this one. You will be see what is changes.
Remarks! It is 2009 SP1 SG Version.
Hope this help to you.
Many Thanks!! It works, but there is one thing I do not understand:
What do I need this for? In our case it works only without above. Until now I did not find any wrong result in NAV.
If you open this page from WS, "CalcinvDiscForHeader' func: will work. If you open from RTC it will be skip. Because of this function already has "Page Action". Look at your Pg-41\Page Action\Statistics.
Best Regards,
in may case it is just the other way round. When connecting via WS I get an error saying that Documenttype=Quote, No=. But record has Documenttype=Invoice and No=R2011_4.
As I mentioned without above code-fragment it works fin via WS and as mentioned until now I did not find any errors or wrong results in NAV. Can it be, because Your code is for SP1 and we are using R2? Or didn't I find the wrong result in NAV until now?
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