A smart popup finder component to open forms in Google Desktop Search style. Activate it by double-click the left control button in NAV. Can be customized with non-standard form objects by edit the embedded dat-file.
If you find it useful you could instantiate it in codeunit 1 (ApplicationManagement) for auto-loading.
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Independent Consultant/Developer
What are the requirements to start the popup finder component?
I install finder component on my laptop and import codeunit NavFinder in Navision and run this codeunit in object designer.
What is the shortcut key to start popup finder? I tried double click left mousebutton in Navigation Pane. Do i something wrong to start the popup finder form?
I made a little util to extract your own menusuite to NavFinder.
You can find it here: ... derGen_zip
(There is a readme.txt inside the zip with more information.)
Thanks for your help, Now it works!
Not right now, if I make an upgrade I'll include support for reports.
A smart popup finder component to open forms in Google Desktop Search style. Activate it by double-click the left control button in NAV. Can be customized with non-standard form objects by edit the embedded dat-file.
If you find it useful you could instantiate it in codeunit 1 (ApplicationManagement) for auto-loading.
NavFinder v1.01:
* Supports forms and reports (use ALT+F / ALT+R / F9 to change or swap setting).
* Fixed position bug found in version 1.00.
* Activate NavFinder by double click left control on the keyboard, MS Dynamics NAV must have focus when activating the component.
There is a readme.txt for more information.
Discuss this download here.
Thanks for the upgrade. I can search for reports now.
Is it true that you only can run a report when you set the language to 'English' (ENU)?
When i set the language to 'Dutch' (NLD) i get an error that option 'Yes' is not available because if you translate this to dutch language it means 'Ja'.
Yeah, I noticed that bug now. So, right now it is limited to ENU only. I'll fix that and upload a bugfix.
If you have ideas for other features plz let me know, then I can implement them as well to the next version.
Is it also possible to change NavFinder to search for codeunits and dataports?
These objects can you also add in your MenuSuite.
In our case we have some important codeunits added to our Menu.
A smart popup finder component to open forms in Google Desktop Search style. Activate it by double-click the left control button in NAV. Can be customized with non-standard form objects by edit the embedded dat-file.
If you find it useful you could instantiate it in codeunit 1 (ApplicationManagement) for auto-loading.
NavFinder v1.02:
Support for Dataports and Codeunits (optional).
Use embedded NavFinderGen.exe to extract your own menusuite for NavFinder.
NavFinder v1.01:
* Supports forms and reports (use ALT+F / ALT+R / F9 to change or swap setting).
* Fixed position bug found in version 1.00.
* Activate NavFinder by double click left control on the keyboard, MS Dynamics NAV must have focus when activating the component.
There is a readme.txt for more information.
Discuss this download here.
Thanks for the new version.
Do you know if it's possible to change NavFinder to search on part of word?
That means abandon the auto-complete feature from .NET framework..
I'll say maybe