Sales invoice: VAT not calculated

TiesjeTiesje Member Posts: 3
I have got 2 sales invoices for the same customer, selling the exact same item (same quantity too, so the same amount as well).
VAT posting groups are the same on both. VAT posting setup is correct to.

Yet on one invoice VAT is calculated on the other one it is not.
When I check the lines in the sales orders and sales invoices, I can see that on the correct order/invoice with VAT, the VAT % is 19%. For the other one it is 0%.

Is there anyone who has an idea of how this can happen since it seems that all the fields and setup are correct?


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Still a lot of possibilities but the fastes way to check this is to go to both sales lines and press ctrl+f8 (classic client!). This will show all the fields of the line. I suggest you compare those with eachother. (Best is to select all and copy to excel).
    |Pressing F1 is so much faster than opening your browser|
  • TiesjeTiesje Member Posts: 3
    That is exactly what I have been doing.
    I don't know what else to do?
    Thanks anyway!
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