Hi... I have a pretty simple question. This
ReturnCode := wShExec.Run('C:\FindItemsExec\FindItems.exe');
works fine in 2009 Classic. The main window of my FindItems application appears and all is right with the world. However it does not work in the RTC. wShExec is an Automation variable subtype shell.
In this case the file server, application server and client are all the same machine. Interestingly, if I watch the Task Manager, the RTC does start up a FindItems.exe process, but not an application. The Classic client starts both a process and an application.
This code is within its own codeunit that I am 'running' directly in the Classic client; in the RTC I have a menu item calling the codeunit.
So what am I missing?
You need to create the automation as Client-side... CREATE(wShExec, false, TRUE);
Edited: I forgot the second param... :-)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
CREATE(myCom, false, true);
where the third parameter means that it should run on the client.
Henrik Metzger, Software Development Engineer, Dynamics NAV
For the DotNet interop there is a property (Shift+F4) on the variable definition where it needs to be set that it is a client side dot net object. The default here is also server side.
Henrik Metzger, Software Development Engineer, Dynamics NAV