That funtcion is in table 37. Sales Line. And calls codeunit 408 DimensionManagement to get the shortcut dimensions values from table Document Dimension for that particular line.
It uses a parameter that is an array and the matrix has 6 columns that have the SourceExpr = ShortcutDimCode[3] or ShortcutDimCode[4] e.t.c. and their CaptionClass = '1,2,3' or '1,2,4' or '1,2,5' e.t.c. so that the column displays the caption of the Shortcut Dimenstion (3...8) and that value that gor from the child table Document Dimension.
That funtcion is in table 37. Sales Line. And calls codeunit 408 DimensionManagement to get the shortcut dimensions values from table Document Dimension for that particular line.
It uses a parameter that is an array and the matrix has 6 columns that have the SourceExpr = ShortcutDimCode[3] or ShortcutDimCode[4] e.t.c. and their CaptionClass = '1,2,3' or '1,2,4' or '1,2,5' e.t.c. so that the column displays the caption of the Shortcut Dimenstion (3...8) and that value that gor from the child table Document Dimension.
Is it clear?
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
It was a kind "Is it clear?" I am not in the army, you know...
NOW, drop and give me five!!!!