Hello everybody,
I have on the first sight a simple question.
We are using the "shelf/bin no." for simple stockkeeping.
The problem is that the value in this field still is stored even the inventory = 0
As we are working with flexible warehouselocations this is very tricky.
Is there a way to set the value of "shelf/bin no. at '' as soon the inventory = 0.
I tried it with simple solutions as: if inventory = 0 then "self/bin no." := '' but the old
locationnumber comes back as soon the inventory <> 0.
I appriciate every suggetion
Thanks Dirk
I tried a lot of ways to solve this problem and I found one, although it is not the most beautyfull one.
First is sorted out where the value of the inventory changes:
This is in codeunit 22, just above
.InsertItemReg(ItemLedgEntryNo : Integer;PhysInvtEntryNo : Integer;ValueEntryNo
I placed there the following code, (just after itemregentry.insert):
IF item.GET("Item No.") THEN
item.CALCFIELDS(Inventory); // find out if inv. = 0
IF item.Inventory = 0 THEN BEGIN
item.VALIDATE(item."Shelf/Bin No.",'');
This triggers the Shelf/Bin No. - OnValidate() in table 21 (item)
there I placed this code
IF Rec."Shelf/Bin No." <> xRec."Shelf/Bin No." THEN
IF Inventory = 0 THEN BEGIN
"Shelf/Bin No.":='';
FORM.RUN(30,Rec,"Shelf/Bin No.");
Finally the following code was placed in form 30 (item card) under Form - OnActivateForm()
IF artikel.GET(Rec."No.") THEN
IF Inventory = 0 THEN "Shelf/Bin No." := '0000';
In this way the record with inventory = 0 gets an location nr. '0000'
But due to the Form.run statement the form 30 appears for every record and has to be remomed by esc.
My question now is: How can I avoid that?