Hi guys!
I've a question for you. To help creation of new customers I created a wizard that creates correctly the customer.
While closing the wizard it launches the customer card page.
The problem is that the card remains behind the RTC.
So I'm wondering if exist a way to specify to open the page in foreground.
Could anyone help me?
Thx in advance guys!
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Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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1. Define a function in the wizard that indicates if user have clicked finish. Its boolean return value will be used in the page from which wizard had been launched (CreatedCustomer).
2. Define a function that gives back the id of customer just created (GetCustomerID)
3. insert following code in the page that launch wizard, after the wizard call wizard is closed when card will be opened and it will be showed in Foreground.
Thx to Ara3n and to my colleague Belias that helps me to solve this problem.
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If no(!) message appears before my page opens, my page appears very shortly and is sent to the background. If a message appears (e.g. "Do you want to change the Sell-To-Customer-No. ?") before my page opens, it stays in the foreground.
It does not help if I call the function which opens the page in the OnValidate-Trigger of the Sell-To-Customer-No.-Field on the Sales Header-page.
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have you already tried to use the runmodal function instead of run?
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I created a new simple page:
type: card
sourcetable: customer
field: No., Name and Name2
I put this code in OnValidate of Name2 field but it opens page in foreground...
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To reproduce the problem, I think it is important that the Form.RUN is at the end of the Sell-To-Customer-Field of the Sales Header-table, because there are major differences between a Customer-Field/almost-empty page and the Sell-To-Customer-field/Sales Order page.
(where CommentSheet is a Page variable that has as subtype "Comment Sheet")
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It is not possible to pass arguments while using the RUN function of a form variable.
you're right I'm sorry..
and with this?
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I put form.run in the trigger onvalidate of the field "Sell-to customer no." in sales order, but the page is opened in foreground... it's very very strange behaviour...
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Are you using 2009 R2? That is what I did my testing in.
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Are you sure that you do not have any messages (like "do you really want to change the customer no.?" or "Check Credit Limit") while validating the customer no.? Because only if no message appears while validating the customer no., the page is opened in background, otherwise it works fine.
Yes! I've no messages. Only one question... the page that remains in foregroud is launched with .Run or .Runmodal?
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One suggestion perhaps is to try this in a CRONUS database (as I did) and then post a link to the fob file to check it out.