Mergetool MGT1.50.22



  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.20.24
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.20.25
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.08
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • djkdjkdjkdjk Member Posts: 17
    Hi Peer,
    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    I have downloaded a new version of our IVS License. (Today)
    But I can’t access the Transformation Objects. (For example: I can't run table 14120151)

    What‘s happen?

    Best regard
  • NicNic Member Posts: 3
    I want to remove all the objects from a db, but it is to proceed?
  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    You need a partner license I guess. Send me a PM.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.12
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.13
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.14
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.15
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.17
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.18
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "wizard_of_clause") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • JdjjjjJdjjjj Member Posts: 2
    Dear Colleages:
    I problen this version but when I select funtions, Merge versions, I get an error that the header Contrast table does not exist. Not something I'm doing wrong but the fact is I've tried a lot ways, or even always the case. I would like a manual if it's possible. Thanks a lot.
  • JdjjjjJdjjjj Member Posts: 2
    Hi Mark,
    I tried following the steps and follow the error. I think it's code problem.
    What you have any problems with this version.
  • PerPer Member Posts: 46
    Next version is going to support multiple external text-file compare/merge tools. I would like to get a list of suggestions to which programs to support?

    The setup is going to be divided in a command line and a parameter string. 4 files names are applied as parameters '"%1 "%2" "%3" "%4"' for beyond compare for example.

    To make it easy to select is an option field with the external compare/merge type added too. this default the command and parameter values. A similar function is added for displaying differences between 2 objects.
  • PerPer Member Posts: 46
    To use the integrated Transformation Tool, must the partner license be updated. The changes to the modules was implemented in some time in November. Partner licenses exported before that date would not be able to delete objects in the range 14120150..14120199.

    I would very much appreciate comments and suggestion to improve the Mergetool.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Some programs to compare/merge:

    -notepad++ ( with compare plugin ( ... =directory)
    -source gear diffmerge ( (after using different programs to compare/merge I am using this one)
    -pspad (
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • PerPer Member Posts: 46
    Thanks, I will take a look at them. It looks like none of them actually do real merging with 3 versions. But I can add them for the compare function.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.20
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Version 1.30.08:
    Fields can now be merged automatically when only new fields exists. The "Automatically Merge Fields" in the Merge Setup must be checked to activate this.
    The transformation application has been integrated with the Mergetool. Lookup to the Mergetool has been implemented from control IDs and other places. Additional information about a Fied ID in an MGT Object Line is used for the lookup.
    All the files for the transformation can be imported as text files in a version. This allow for easy compare between versions.
    Integration to Voice (PartnerSource) for Authorized Resellers, Import Sales Entries, Maintain Module Permissions and calculation of maintenance invoices has been added.
    Some menuitem from the list of versions has been improved to automatically select the current version.
    A new Line Type "RDL Data" has been added. During import is the RDL section of a report identified. In a future version is this going to be used for improving the speed of comparing reports.
    Some option strings has been changed to improve the terminology in the NAV 2009 Transformation features.
    The Help Setup is not verifying editor and compiler path when being inserted. This make setup easier.
    The parameters for the Merge Management codeunit has been changed. Many parameters has now been added as field in a table. This simplyfy the calling of the functions and allow for additional parameters to be added in the future without changing the code drastically.

    Version 1.20.25:
    Small error corrections.
    A variable was too short in the Manual Merge Lines form and page. this has been corrected.
    When scanning for NAV help file names could a text to text erro be shown. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.24:
    When using word as the editor in Online Help Tokens and FAQ's was " (double quote) not correctly imported into NAV. A new field "Correct Double Quote Chars" has been added on the Help Version to allow automatically correcting this during import. This can cause problems in some languages because local characters are used.
    Help Comments on the FAQ was not deleted correctly. this has been changed.
    A table relation has been added to the FAQ No. This now allow for renaming a FAQ.
    A field has been renamed in the "MGT FAQ Export/Import Entry" table. this has caused multiple objects to be changed.
    The Dataport for FAQ HTML Lines was not filtering correctly. This has been changed.
    On the Translation File Export is it now possible to select to export as another language. This is very useful for languages like German, Dutch, English that is used in multiple countries. With the export is only one language required to be translated within the Mergetool.

    Version 1.20.23:
    It is now possible to edit (during manual merge) and see 1000 characters from lines in the Mergetool. It was previously only possible to see 250 characters and editing would cause characters to be lost if a line was longer than 250 characters.

    Code that contained RUN or RUNMODAL as variable or comment could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.21:
    2 Small errors has been corrected in the Source Code Analyzer.
    When an object name contained a space at the end was an error shown in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
    Variable names with "@" signs could cause an error in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.

    Version 1.20.19:
    A new feature "infinite" in the control position on a form was causing the Overlapping Control report to show an error. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.18:
    Functions has been added to the NAV 2009 transformation functions Promoted Actions and Field Importance. Setting from the current pages (Base NAV and other) can now be imported from code. It is also possible to copy based on caption to set similar Control Actions, Images and Importance from another versions.

    Version 1.20.16:
    Minor update to performance. The Versions form was performing really slow with large versions. This has been changed to only show a boolean value instead of an integer with a large count.

    Version 1.20.15
    A rare condition could cause a text to text error when running a Source Code Analysis. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.20.14
    The Excel Buffer is now used to create an Excel file with translations. An import of this file has also been added, this allow for directly reimporting the result when returned from translation. This Excel file has successfully used by to do a translation from English to German.

    Version 1.20.13:
    A Header and Line concept has now been added to the Batch processor in the Mergetool. All existing records must be deleted in the MGT Batch Line (named MGT Batch Entry in MGT1.20.12) table before importing the objects.
    The Batch Processing can now do the following tasks: Object Import, Translation File Import, Text File Import, Scan Source Code, Promoted Actions, Field Importance, Compare, Merge, Database Objects Export

    Version 1.20.12:
    A Batch Processor has been added to streamline long processes. Unlimited number of operations can be added to the batch process and then executed one after another.

    Version 1.20.11:
    Many usability improvements compared to MGT1.20.04. The Source Code Analyzer is now fully functional and very powerful to find information about the inner workings of the NAV application.

    Version 1.20.04:
    Small improvements, mainly to RTC application.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.21
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.22
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.24
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.25
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.25:
    The export of code from the mergetool now has a new option to convert the code for NAV7. Forms and Dataports are not exported. Some sections are removed from the reports. The "FORM.RUN" and other places where "Form" is used is replaced with "Page"
    Some object tokens can now be marked as Key Tokens. This allow for creating a list of the must important terminology in each language.
    Some code in the translation module has been restructure to allow better reuse.
    The length of variables in NAV7 is not limited to 30 characters. The Mergetool now support longer variable names in the Source Code Analysis.
    Some reports has been set to ProcessingOnly and removed not important layout.

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.27
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.27:
    The Source Code Analyzer now works with the Query object type included in NAV 7.
    Additional changes to the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.25:
    The export of code from the mergetool now has a new option to convert the code for NAV7. Forms and Dataports are not exported. Some sections are removed from the reports. The "FORM.RUN" and other places where "Form" is used is replaced with "Page"
    Some object tokens can now be marked as Key Tokens. This allow for creating a list of the must important terminology in each language.
    Some code in the translation module has been restructure to allow better reuse.
    The length of variables in NAV7 is not limited to 30 characters. The Mergetool now support longer variable names in the Source Code Analysis.
    Some reports has been set to ProcessingOnly and removed not important layout.

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.28
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.28:
    The translation functions for Base Teminology has been improved.
    A new field "Only Active Versions in Lookup" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field has a checkmark is only active version shown in a lookup.
    Small change for the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.27:
    The Source Code Analyzer now works with the Query object type included in NAV 7.
    Additional changes to the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.25:
    The export of code from the mergetool now has a new option to convert the code for NAV7. Forms and Dataports are not exported. Some sections are removed from the reports. The "FORM.RUN" and other places where "Form" is used is replaced with "Page"
    Some object tokens can now be marked as Key Tokens. This allow for creating a list of the must important terminology in each language.
    Some code in the translation module has been restructure to allow better reuse.
    The length of variables in NAV7 is not limited to 30 characters. The Mergetool now support longer variable names in the Source Code Analysis.
    Some reports has been set to ProcessingOnly and removed not important layout.

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.30
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.30:
    The lookup for companies does not have a default page in RTC. This has been added to the Mergetool.

    Version 1.30.29:
    An interface to use the Mergetool from web-services has been added. A few functions has been added with small improvements to enable this feature. The integration is going to be used in a future version of iFacto Revision.
    The translation tool now has a function export all resulting translation files.
    Some misspelling in function names has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.28:
    The translation functions for Base Teminology has been improved.
    A new field "Only Active Versions in Lookup" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field has a checkmark is only active version shown in a lookup.
    Small change for the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.27:
    The Source Code Analyzer now works with the Query object type included in NAV 7.
    Additional changes to the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.25:
    The export of code from the mergetool now has a new option to convert the code for NAV7. Forms and Dataports are not exported. Some sections are removed from the reports. The "FORM.RUN" and other places where "Form" is used is replaced with "Page"
    Some object tokens can now be marked as Key Tokens. This allow for creating a list of the must important terminology in each language.
    Some code in the translation module has been restructure to allow better reuse.
    The length of variables in NAV7 is not limited to 30 characters. The Mergetool now support longer variable names in the Source Code Analysis.
    Some reports has been set to ProcessingOnly and removed not important layout.

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.31
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.31:
    The Source Code Analyzer was showing an error when many languages was imported for long texts. This has been changed.
    The request page for the :Find Object Property Changes:" report was not correct. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.30:
    The lookup for companies does not have a default page in RTC. This has been added to the Mergetool.

    Version 1.30.29:
    An interface to use the Mergetool from web-services has been added. A few functions has been added with small improvements to enable this feature. The integration is going to be used in a future version of iFacto Revision.
    The translation tool now has a function export all resulting translation files.
    Some misspelling in function names has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.28:
    The translation functions for Base Teminology has been improved.
    A new field "Only Active Versions in Lookup" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field has a checkmark is only active version shown in a lookup.
    Small change for the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.27:
    The Source Code Analyzer now works with the Query object type included in NAV 7.
    Additional changes to the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.25:
    The export of code from the mergetool now has a new option to convert the code for NAV7. Forms and Dataports are not exported. Some sections are removed from the reports. The "FORM.RUN" and other places where "Form" is used is replaced with "Page"
    Some object tokens can now be marked as Key Tokens. This allow for creating a list of the must important terminology in each language.
    Some code in the translation module has been restructure to allow better reuse.
    The length of variables in NAV7 is not limited to 30 characters. The Mergetool now support longer variable names in the Source Code Analysis.
    Some reports has been set to ProcessingOnly and removed not important layout.

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.32
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.32:
    A version of the Mergetool for NAV7 CTP4 Update 1 (Build 33280) has been included. This version is intended for testing purposes only.
    Additional MenuSuites has been included in the release version of the Mergetool.
    NAV7 changed the indentation of the code in reports. This cause the Source Code Analyzer to miss some relations. This has been corrected.
    Many Promotions and Images has been updated in the RoleTailored version of the Mergetool.

    Version 1.30.31:
    The Source Code Analyzer was showing an error when many languages was imported for long texts. This has been changed.
    The request page for the :Find Object Property Changes:" report was not correct. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.30:
    The lookup for companies does not have a default page in RTC. This has been added to the Mergetool.

    Version 1.30.29:
    An interface to use the Mergetool from web-services has been added. A few functions has been added with small improvements to enable this feature. The integration is going to be used in a future version of iFacto Revision.
    The translation tool now has a function export all resulting translation files.
    Some misspelling in function names has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.28:
    The translation functions for Base Teminology has been improved.
    A new field "Only Active Versions in Lookup" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field has a checkmark is only active version shown in a lookup.
    Small change for the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.27:
    The Source Code Analyzer now works with the Query object type included in NAV 7.
    Additional changes to the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.25:
    The export of code from the mergetool now has a new option to convert the code for NAV7. Forms and Dataports are not exported. Some sections are removed from the reports. The "FORM.RUN" and other places where "Form" is used is replaced with "Page"
    Some object tokens can now be marked as Key Tokens. This allow for creating a list of the must important terminology in each language.
    Some code in the translation module has been restructure to allow better reuse.
    The length of variables in NAV7 is not limited to 30 characters. The Mergetool now support longer variable names in the Source Code Analysis.
    Some reports has been set to ProcessingOnly and removed not important layout.

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Mergetool MGT1.30.34
    In the newest release of the Mergetool, a number of new enhancements have been added. These include the following updates and new features:

    New Object Range (Download updated partner license from PartnerSource for full access to source code)
    Source Code Analyzer (Object Level analysis, finds every place an objects is used)
    Use Data in another company (Makes clean-up easy and multiple users can work at the same time)
    Huge Speed Improvement for SQL Server and Client/Server (Using temporary tables make a huge improvement for the speed of a compare >5x)
    Object Explorer assist in exporting the licensed objects (require 2009 SP1 or later executable)

    More information can be found on the site

    Version 1.30.34:
    A version of the Mergetool for NAV 2013 Public Beta is now included with the download. Most functions are fully functional, but a few obsolete functions still exists. Import, Export, Compare and Merge of Source Code works. The Online Help Tool, Captions Tool and Source Code Analyzer has also been tested.
    The file handling has been centralized to make changes for NAV 2013 easier. All File export is now using the Integration codeunit.
    The translation tool now support very long texts better.
    Very long variables names caused problem in the Source Code Analysis. This has been changed.
    RunPageMode was not handled properly, when exporting code in NAV 2013 format.
    Small changes to transformation data.

    Version 1.30.32:
    A version of the Mergetool for NAV7 CTP4 Update 1 (Build 33280) has been included. This version is intended for testing purposes only.
    Additional MenuSuites has been included in the release version of the Mergetool.
    NAV7 changed the indentation of the code in reports. This cause the Source Code Analyzer to miss some relations. This has been corrected.
    Many Promotions and Images has been updated in the RoleTailored version of the Mergetool.

    Version 1.30.31:
    The Source Code Analyzer was showing an error when many languages was imported for long texts. This has been changed.
    The request page for the :Find Object Property Changes:" report was not correct. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.30:
    The lookup for companies does not have a default page in RTC. This has been added to the Mergetool.

    Version 1.30.29:
    An interface to use the Mergetool from web-services has been added. A few functions has been added with small improvements to enable this feature. The integration is going to be used in a future version of iFacto Revision.
    The translation tool now has a function export all resulting translation files.
    Some misspelling in function names has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.28:
    The translation functions for Base Teminology has been improved.
    A new field "Only Active Versions in Lookup" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field has a checkmark is only active version shown in a lookup.
    Small change for the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.27:
    The Source Code Analyzer now works with the Query object type included in NAV 7.
    Additional changes to the PartnerSource integration.

    Version 1.30.25:
    The export of code from the mergetool now has a new option to convert the code for NAV7. Forms and Dataports are not exported. Some sections are removed from the reports. The "FORM.RUN" and other places where "Form" is used is replaced with "Page"
    Some object tokens can now be marked as Key Tokens. This allow for creating a list of the must important terminology in each language.
    Some code in the translation module has been restructure to allow better reuse.
    The length of variables in NAV7 is not limited to 30 characters. The Mergetool now support longer variable names in the Source Code Analysis.
    Some reports has been set to ProcessingOnly and removed not important layout.

    Version 1.30.24:
    Data from the Source Code Analyzer can now be viewed in Visio. The function can be used both from the Source Code Analyzer windows, but also from the Object Explorer and list of Objects. Thanks a lot for the example from Jason Prickett to make a simple task of writing the automation integration to Visio. A template file is included with the download. this needs to be referenced from the report options form/page. This template has been tested with Visio 2010, but should also work with earlier versions. Watch this YouTube video for a short introduction to using Visio with the Source Code Analyzer in the Mergetool.
    The Statistics at the bottom of the windows has been updated to have multi-line labels. This makes for more compressed display and better usability.
    The functionality to calculate "Export Error" has been updated. Because of an error in C/SIDE was the form behaving very strange making all the captions wrong and making the Object Explorer useless. The data is now stored in a real table and is also stored so it does not require recalculating every time the Object Explorer is opened.
    Small corrections with missing menu items etc.

    Version 1.30.22:
    The description and file name now has a default value in a version created from a merge. This help when exporting and later viewing the list of versions.
    Additional information has been added to the PartnerSource integration.
    An option "Only Translated Texts" has been added in the "Use Translation from Other Version".
    The Translation tokens have a new key "Object Token,Language Code,Translated".

    Version 1.30.21:
    The Voice Sales Entries export was changed by Microsoft. Additional address information for the vbilling partner was added. This has been implemented in the Mergetool too, the import now have a Excel Format that can be used to select the version of the data.

    Version 1.30.20:
    A text variable was defined too short in the translation import. this has been changed.

    Version 1.30.19:
    Objects, Contrast and Manual Merges can now be viewed with external editor. The setup has a command (program path) and parameter. This allows using any editor with additional parameter strings.
    The RoleTailored Application has been updated with additional promotions and function. The new handling of SHELL commands allows using the Windows Scripting Host to execute commands. The few commands that can only be used from the Classic Client is now using ISSERVICETIER to avoid compilation warnings.
    The embedded Transformation Tool can now have multiple setups. This allows users with different location for the transformation tool folder.
    Some MenuItems in the Manual Merge form has been renamed to allow a better transformation to the RoleTailored Client.
    A new function to Test Export objects from the Object Explorer has been added. This allow capturing the error caused by exporting without stopping the processing. After the test can the objects be filtered to avoid stopping the export.
    When comparing versions is new objects now marked with the Compared to Version Code.
    Thanks to 1ClickFactory for providing a lot of the input for the improvements.

    Version 1.30.18:
    Beyond Compare version 3 is now optional to use during a manual merge. To use this must the Pro-version of Beyond Compare be purchased for %50. Thanks a lot to Aljosa Gruden (Mibuso ID: "aljosagr") to supplying the code for this. Watch the YouTube video below to see how this works. Some code from Export and Import of versions has been restructured to allow reuse.
    The use of SHELL commands through-out the Mergetool has been recorded to use a single codeunit. This codeunit also support using the Windows Scripting Host. This makes the RoleTailored Client being able to use all the functions too. All code in the Mergetool (translation and online help too) has been recorded to use this new functionality. To change the SHELL command type used go to the Merge Setup.

    Version 1.30.17:
    The FAQ HTML page can now be sorted with a priority on the FAQ Category. A feature to bold the text has also been added.
    The code to calculate ending spaces in the translation module was not working correctly in all cases. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.16:
    The code to automatically create the Merge Setup was not working properly in all cases. This has been corrected.

    Version 1.30.15:
    When opening the versions the first time was an error shown that the setup had to be created. This has been changed to automatically create the setup.
    When creating languages with the Translation features has a new field "Translated" been added to the language. Only languages with this field checked will be copied. The Exists In field will also be updated after copying the Translation Tokens.
    Many small improvements to the Voice/PartnerSource integration.
    Some missing captions were created.

    Version 1.30.14:
    The Overlapping controls report is now also checking controls to be on existing pages and all pages to be consistent between the languages in the form.
    The report to export only licensed objects has been updated to optionally modify the DMB Table No. instead. This can be used for filtering in the list of objects and only export objects that compiles.
    In the Manual Merge form is it possible to view the Contrast Header. This allow getting an overview of the level of change in an object.
    The report in the Transformation Tool to update properties for the forms was running very slow in some cases. This has been changed.
    The Integration to PartnerSource has been updated with many new features.

    Version 1.30.13:
    The renumbering of control in a page during a merge was not working properly. this has been changed.
    Finding Navision Help File Name was not working for some countries. This has been changed.
    A Text to Text overflow could be shown when importing Web-server log in the the Online Help. This has been changed.

    Version 1.30.12:
    A new option "Automatically Accept All Equal" has been added to the Merge Setup. When this field is checked is equal changes automatically accepted during a manual merge process. This allow for much faster manual merge processing in some situations like using an older common version.
    The menu groups in the manual merge screen have been renamed to make it easier to understand for new users.
    A bug in the Source Code analyzer caused the variables for the first function not to be added. This has been changed.
    The Maintenance has been renamed to Enhancement. This has caused a lot of changes in the PartnerSource integration.
    Additional fields and keys has been added to the Voice Account table.
    A field Version Code XYZ has been renamed to Version Code in some of the Transformation tool objects.
    A bug has been fixed when deleting a version in a SQL version.

    Discuss this download here.
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