Customer Card: Where's the country variable?

njhansennjhansen Member Posts: 37
Newbie question.

As an educational experience, I was trying to create a simple contact card, and looking for an example of calls to the Lookup/Validate City/PostCode family of calls on the Post Code table. The Customer table has a call to it, but I'm unsure where it is getting the Country parameter. For example:

City - OnLookup()
PostCode.LookUpCity(City,"Post Code",County,TRUE);

City and "Post Code" are both fields from the customer record, but the Country is not; closest thing is called Country/Region Code there and is Code:10, not Text:30. I don't see Country in the C/AL Globals or the locals for any trigger involved. Still, the customer table is obviously compiling properly, so it must be somewhere. I'm apparently missing something obvious.

1) Where is the Customer table call getting the field/variable/entity named Country?
2) What does "Go To Definition" (Ctrl+F12) actually do? I had hoped that would help me find Country, but it doesn't do anything that is immediately obvious to me (for that or anything else I tried it on).


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,139
    1.) The field is called County (not Country) and is field no. 92 on Customer, Vendor, Contact, Bank Account ...
    If it's not on the form, it is probably just an empty field on the record. (I guess it is localisation dependant, whether it is on the form or not.)

    2.) Ctrl+F12 is supposed to take you to the place in C/AL where the token under the cursor is defined. I have not had the opportunity of checking this new feature out myself.
  • njhansennjhansen Member Posts: 37
    Oh. :oops:

    That makes sense. Thanks.
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