problems with table 2000000047 in a web services

gorvega79gorvega79 Member Posts: 73
edited 2011-04-11 in NAV Three Tier
Hi all

i have a problem with table 2000000047 Server when i try to get a value from a function of the web service, in the explorer i can see the services well and i can add a reference in visual studio 2008 without problems and compiling fine. but when i´m using the program and call to the web services the error is :

"Metadata for object of type Table with id 2000000047 is in a failed state. This is caused by a previous exception:
Table 2000000047 is not available and cannot be opened. "

the user is in domain and have administrator rights, the web services are running with that user and delegation is ok,the licence is ok, the user´s spns are ok. i don´t know where is the problem ](*,)

the program in the c# is
int vStock;
string vProd="",vlocation="";
vlocation = "EBI";
var vConWS = new vRefWs.CodeunitStock_Binding();
vConWS.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
vStock = vConWS.SacarStock(vProd,vlocation);// here is the problem
MessageBox.Show("the stock is:"+Convert.ToString(vStock));

thank you so much.


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