Database or windows authentication

rparkrpark Member Posts: 5
:?: What are the pros & cons of database vswindows authentication when setting up new users. Is one or the other considered best practice?

Appreciate the feedback


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    If you are using MS SQL>

    - WIndows logins don't need to create the user on SQL first
    - Windows Logins = no login possibility for another user without changing win user
    - Windows Logins - when the PDC is not accessible, you cannot login and have problems with translate the login to Full name.
    - Application is not 100% prepared for Windows logins - in some cases there is problem, where you can found the user (two different tables) and when application is working with security roles must be prepared to search through two tables and work with users groups.

    It is fast example of pro and cons... :wink:
    Kamil Sacek
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