not able to print report in one row

pritipriti Member Posts: 9
In my Report i have 3 dataitems (Indented in below manner)
Transfer shipment header
Transfer shipment Line
Item Ledger Entry

Some Code is Written in ILE dataitem foe Expiry date calculation.Thats y i have to use body of ILE to print report.But for 1 "item no "there are many lines in ILE with different Lot No .

I wanted the structure of report should be

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Item Description|Lot No1| Qantity|
|Lot No2|
|Lot NO3|

But my item description and quantity is repeating with lot no.
Please help me out how to write code for this.


  • j.marseloj.marselo Member Posts: 102
    it will be much easier if you arrange this way:
    Item Description
    |Lot No1| Qty|
    |Lot No2| Qty|
    |Lot No3| Qty|

    so, get the item description from transfer shipment line, and put it in transfer shipment line section, lot & qty in ILE section.
    Kind regards, Joe Marselo | see my NAV blog | twitter @joemarselo
  • pritipriti Member Posts: 9
    Thnx j.marselo,
    But i want it in a single row.
  • abhinav0408abhinav0408 Member Posts: 35
    Just group the Lot No. and calculate sum for Quantity
  • pritipriti Member Posts: 9
    Thnx abhivav ,
    but the description should also be printed only once for many lot Nos.
  • j.marseloj.marselo Member Posts: 102
    you need code to do that. define var: desclast - text and desc - text
    in ILE - onpredataitem(), desc := ''; desclast := '';
    in ILE - onaftergetrecord():
    if desclast = ILE."description" then desc := ''
    else begin
    desclast := ILE."description";
    desc := ILE."description';
    then use var: desc in your report section.
    Kind regards, Joe Marselo | see my NAV blog | twitter @joemarselo
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