RTC Error when click Print Layout

stanxstanx Member Posts: 4
edited 2014-05-05 in NAV Three Tier

I have a problem for RTC Report

It can preview report.But when I click print layout it Error.
IF i click print ( Not Preview ). It error : An error occurred during rendering the report

Navision : NAV 2009 SP 1

Database :SQL 2008 R2

Delop : VS 2008

Thank you for Your Suggestion.


  • deV.chdeV.ch Member Posts: 543
    A problem with the printer? Do you have access to that printer / permission to use it?
  • stanxstanx Member Posts: 4
    Yes. I have permission.I defualt to Microsoft XPS Document Writer Printer.

    IF Report has 1 page. It Can preview Print Layout.

    IF Report has more pages. It Cannot preview Print Layout.

    It's Error.
  • mihail_kolevmihail_kolev Member Posts: 379
    looks like you have some custom code in the report layout. What is the error on the screenshot?
    -Mihail- [MCTS]
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    What is the error on the screenshot?
    i zoomed the screenshot and the error is
    "an error occurred during local report processing"
    "an error occurred during rendering of the report"
    "an error occurred during rendering of the report"
    "object reference not set to an instance of the object"
    Anyway, i would bet that the error comes from the 3 textboxes in the bottom (but it's a WAG :) ), but try this:
    -export the report
    -delete the header and run the report (check result)
    -if it's all ok, the problem is somewhere in the report header, thus you'll proceed in deleting header controls one by one and find where the error is.
    It's not a "scientific approach", but it should make you able to identify the problematic controls...
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
    My Blog
  • mihail_kolevmihail_kolev Member Posts: 379
    "object reference not set to an instance of the object" - mm... smells like nulls... Anyway, we can't say much with this information only :)
    -Mihail- [MCTS]
  • stanxstanx Member Posts: 4
    Thank you! I found this problem.
    This error from my report header value from my report body.
    When I change from Textbox field to Table Header field.This report not have error Message.

    Thank You everyone.

    Sorry abount my grammar.

    I'm poor English skill.
  • abz_tecmanabz_tecman Member Posts: 27
    hello stanx

    i have the same problem, any chance you can explain it a bit more please as I don't fully understand.


  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    I don't know if it's exactly stanx's problem, but this error can raise also if a condition like "=ReportItems!MyField.Value" is used in the visibility expression of Report Header textboxes, instead of using GetData function.
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