Posting date change in Value Entry

ouredpouredp Member Posts: 56

Due to a wrong setting in "GL Setup the Adjust Cost entries Item" Job posted Value Entries with Posting date on 1st of April
instead of March 31.
We didn´t not Post those Entries to GL yet.

Could you imagine that we could change the Posting date in Value Entry Table and 5811 Post Value Entry to G/L Table ?
Are the flowfields correct then ? what other tables should be affected

or would you just suggest : "Forget it its to dangerous" (my feeling at the moment)

Any work around...


  • chengalasettyvsraochengalasettyvsrao Member Posts: 711
    The correct solution is to go back to your NAV partner and get them to resolve the problem.
  • ouredpouredp Member Posts: 56
    That´s what we already did but as may be here comes another advice.
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