How to Insert new records on lookup

jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 279
edited 2011-03-31 in NAV Three Tier
Another end user question for the day...
In the old classic client, when we lookup on a list form, we could always then view the card form, and make Insert a new record or changes from there. In NAV classic, we only need to set the lookup form, and create the card form.

Now in NAV 2009 RTC, we could still do the same. If you open page 43, and perform a lookup on "sell-to customer no.", you will see a drop down box. In this box, on the lower left corner, there will be 2 options. NEW and ADVANCED. Clicking on NEW will create a new customer record.

My question would be, when I create my own master table (In the DEV II training material that would be "Instructor"), and perform a lookup to this table from a child table(In DEV II training material, that would be "Seminar Registration"), I cannot see the options NEW and ADVANCED. I am quite sure there is a property somewhere I can set this.


  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 279
    ok. I found 1 thing. Given what I have created are as per below:

    1) Master Record Table - Instructor
    - created List Page 123456705
    - Primary Key Field - "No."

    2) Transaction Record Table - Seminar Registration Header
    - created cart page 123456710
    - Field to link to Instructor - "Instructor No."

    When I look up from Page 123456710 on the field "Instructor No.", it shows a drop down box with no NEW or ADVANCED option on the lower left hand corner.
    However, if I go to page 123456710, in the field "Instructor No.", and set the property LookupFormID to 123456705, then when I perform a lookup on page 123456710 on the field "Instructor No.", it shows a drop down box with NEW and ADVANCED option.


    1) When I go to the standard pages, for example Page 43 (Sales Invoice page) and look at the property LookupFormID for field "sell-to customer no.", I did not see anything set for this property. Then how the option NEW and ADVANCED to work for page 43 without LookupFormID specified?

    2) Also in the old classic client, in every table, there is a property called LookupFormID. This is the default lookup form used for this table. But I could not find something like this for pages.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    You still set that property on the table level, it should automatically work on pages.

    <edit> the property name is confusing, but it works for forms and pages. So for Customers, the "Customer List" is a form as well as a page. The Classic Client uses the form, the RTC uses the page. Make sure that the form and the page have the same ID. If you're not going to use Classic Client, you don't need to create the form, just the page </edit>
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    So on the table level you set the list page in the LookupFormID property. Then on the list page, you set the Card Page in the "CardFormID" property. The list page opens when you click 'Advanced', and the Card page should open in edit mode when you click 'New'.

    Again with the confusing property name, that should really be called "CardPageID" and "LookupPageID", those should really be separate properties.
  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 279
    Hi Denster,

    When I Checked the property for the existing tables, and I did not find any pageLookup property, I already suspected that it uses the same id as the existing LookupFormID. So from what I understand then, the object no. used for pages, ideally should have the same id as the form.

    But in practical sense, I do not think they are any production companies that uses both the classic and RTC in 1 database. Anyway, thanks again.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    jordi79 wrote:
    from what I understand then, the object no. used for pages, ideally should have the same id as the form.
    That is correct. So the only time that you need to make sure that the form and page have the same number is when you have a mixed implementation. It's actually not uncommon to implement RTC one department at a time.
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