In the NAV 2009 Manual DEVII, page 3-40, it describes the methods below on how to add items in the menusuite. and after that these items will be available in role centers in the nav 2009 client.
Step by Step
1. In the Object Designer, go to the MenuSuite area. Click the New
button and select Partner. Clicking the OK button opens the
MenuSuite in design mode.
2. Right-click in the menu area and select Create Menu. Enter
Seminar Management as the Name, and enter the number 1 as the
Bitmap value. Clicking the OK button creates a new Menu for the
Seminar Management Department.
3. Create two Items, one for Planning and one for Setup. Items can be
created by right-clicking the empty Seminar Management
Department Menu and selecting Create Item.
4. Expand the Planning Item and add Items for Instructors (Page
123456705), Seminars (Page 123456701), Seminar Rooms (Page
123456745), and Seminar Registrations (Page 123456713). For
each selection, enter the list pages as the objects.
I am stuck at step 4. In the NAV 2009 R2 classic client, there are no options to add Pages as a link in menusuite. Can anyone clarify on the actual steps on how to do this?
When you select "RoleTailored Client" instead, you will be able to add pages to the menusuite.
Yes. I have missed that button. Thanks. Another one of NAV 2009's mysteries solved.