
Cache=?, Commmitcache=?

onefstprldonefstprld Member Posts: 2
edited 2005-01-11 in Navision Financials
My company is running the Navision 2.6 (not MS SQL). Our database size is about 4 gigs. Its running on a robust server with 2 gigs or RAM. We have been experiencing lag when posting and importing data. Would changing the CACHE from 80000 kb to 262144 kb and COMMITCACHE to 'Yes' help. I am new to administering Navision and need some help.


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    eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    I think Navision can not handle more then 2 GB of memory assigned to the server. No need to exceed the 2 GB limit. Commit cash should always be enabled.

    Maybe you could assign more memory to the Navision client. It could be the Navision client is having performance issues.

    If this still is not the solution you should really try to find what is coursing the problems. If it's only occurring when doing specific jobs in Navision you should question the performance of that job, not Navision.

    Another solution could be to delay posting. You can do it during lunch or at night.

    Maybe creating more databases could help a bit. But I doubt it.

    If not the case you should consider a Navision dedicated server. Is't not wise to run other programs like back-up software on the Navision server. And do not use the Navision server as fileserver.

    But you will need to start by increasing the memory for the Navision server to more then 260 MB. Try 512 MB or 1 GB.
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You are discussing only memory problem. What about disk? How you have the DB splitted? Is it splitted into more parts, each part on other physical disk? Have you using RAID 1 or another?
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