When attempting to either view or export a document from Financias using Matriks, I get an: “Internal error 10 in module 45. Contact your dealer if you need assistance”. This is one of those C/SIDE error messages that is not very informative. Debugging my way into C/AL doesn't throw any additional light
The details are as follows:
- Both Navision Financials and Matriks are to be found under Program Files:
- The file kdoc.mlf has been “opened” with the application mlf.exe, which showed me a window saying that the license was valid, and I then accepted the license and conditions.
- The Navision Financials license includes the Matriks objects (6.008.960)
I've been trying to contact
support@matriks.com without any luck. Does anybody have any knowledge about Matriks?
Can you give us more information. I think I have an idea what the problem is.
Can you tell me what version of Financials you are using and what client version you are running.
This error sounds to me that you are using the Matriks document objects from a newer version then your Financials Client.
I'm using
Navision Financials
Version W1 2.60.B, WNO
2.60,PW 1.00 (W1 2.60.G)
The Matriks version I'm using is
Matriks Doc Version 2.0 release 5 (Internal Build 11)
Let me know if I can provide with any more details.
I checked and both your database and client version should be compatible.
What operating system are you using on both the client and the server?
The OLE supplied with your Matriks 2.0 might not be compatible with your OS.
You did install the Matriks software right? It needs to be installed and cannot be copied from another location.