A few basics about webservices (security, proxy, etc.)

jannavjannav Member Posts: 15
edited 2011-03-24 in NAV Three Tier
Below are some assumptions I have about webservices in NAV. Could you please correct this if I am wrong?
I have NAV 2009 DB running on PC1 (Server) and NAV users can connect to the tier on PC2.

When I create and publish a webservice on which PC is it running? PC1 or PC2
(I think PC2)

If I want to consume the webservice I need to be connected to the internal network where PC1 and PC2 are?
(I think YES)

So to connect from the internet I need a proxy webservice who connects to PC2?
(I think YES)


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    a) The WebServices are running on the server where the mid-tier (NAV Server) is installed
    b) You need to have access to the correct port of the webservice (I think that it is 7047 by default). If you are on the same network or you access the port through some redirected ports through firewalls etc. from outside, doesn't matter. But the connecting client must be able to sent correct authentication (must have some domain account which have access to the server).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • jannavjannav Member Posts: 15
    Thank you for helping ..

    The webshop is located at a provider server. So the webshop builder who needs data from NAV has a problem?

    Example that will not work:
    A connection from the webshop --> to the company router port 8080 --> to the navserver port 7047

    This must be:
    From the webshop --> to the company router port 8080,etc. --> to the proxy webservice at port 8080--> to the navserver port 7047 will work.

    So I need to start the proxy webservice as a domain user? As a domain administrator?
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You do not need proxy webservices if you are able to connect the "client" with the WebService port on the NAV Server. If the client application (webshop) is able to send correct login, than it could connect without any proxy. But of course, all depends on the needed architecture (from security point of view etc.).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • jannavjannav Member Posts: 15
    How does the webshop send the correct login data. Is this in the XML? Do you know a example/link/search term? for me to read.

    Why do I see some posts mentioning IIS. This is not needed?
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    The webservices are using NTLM or Kerberos. It means all is passed in this way. You can find more on web.

    IIS is not needed. The webservice is done as WCF service, which do not need IIS. In some old manuals written in time of NAV 2009 beta you can see that it is based on IIS application, which is not true since release...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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