Block sales by item number on pos machine

rmpatel22rmpatel22 Member Posts: 80
Dear Experts,

We are using LS Retail in our stores. All our items having Barcodes. One item can have more barcodes for different unit of measure.

Currently cashiers entering either Barcode/Item number in POS macheine for sales. So when they are selling item by entering item number in POS, system is not recording value in Barcode field of table "Trans. Sales Entry", so we are not able to generate sales report by Barcode.

We want to block sales by entering item number, so cashier must scan barcode/enter barcode manually in POS machine to sell item, any body have idea how can we do it?
Rakesh Patel
Navision Developer


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    I don't think this can be done without modification of the forms/pages.
    I don't use/"develop for" LS, but if the textbox used for item is different from the barcode, set it non-editable/readonly. This can be based on roles/users (so managers can override this blocking)
    If it is the same field (barcode and item number), then the check should be build in in the evaluation of that field.
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