Hello togehter
We´ve got Navision 3.56A and i want to make a backup on a NTFS partition.
The Problem is, it works in one time. After this Backup it doesn´t work again

I get a error message " not enough disk space, choose another space for Backup #-o" ( I translate, because it´s the german version). But there is enough space (15,7GB) !!!
The Database size is 5GB
The Computer where i want to do my backup is a Windows XP Prof.
What can i do to have always a secure Backup? I made a new Partition with Partition Magic (D:\) . In this drive (15,7GB) i want to make a backup by my Navision Client on C:\.
Hope for Help
Have you tried making the partition smaller? E.g. 8GB so see if it's the sheer size of the partition that Navision can't handle?
You are sure you are using the Navin.exe file and not Navi.exe?
You are sure you have selected to make a backup to the Hard-drive and not the floppy drive?
Sorry if the above seems like dumb things to ask, but it's a long time since I used The Navison DOS version and since it is and elderly program it may behave oddly in moderne environments. :-s
I tried making a backup on my own Windows XP box with NTS partition with 28GB of free space and it worked like a charm.
Hope you get your backup problems solved.
The problem is your Navin.exe file. Its to old, find the newest version, I think its from 1998.
The problem is, that the "system" cannot "read" the full size of your harddisk, therefore N3 "think : here is not space enough for a backup"
E-mail: info@rainerbay.dk
Skype: rainerbaydk
Yes, I have the same problem when I want to make a backup on a network drive, local works fine. Where can I find newer version of Navi.exe???
E-mail: info@rainerbay.dk
Skype: rainerbaydk
Is there any ways or any 3rd software that can do the schedule backup for
Navision's database?
I know only a software name "Backup Utilities" from http://www.expandit.com can do
it. I'd tested it and it worked very well. It's the software that look like
generating the login and configuration script and then automate launching the
Navision Client program and automate backup the Navision Database by using
the existed backup menu.
It costs 600USD for standard edition and 1,200USD for Professional edition.
It also has the trial version to download and try.
It's quite expensive, so does anyone have any another ideas how to do the
schedule backup for Navision Database?
This program will stop the Navision service from your Services and you may after that copy the "physical" database.
As I know you have to make a CMD file ("batch-program") to do the work for you.
Example: (long time since I did that !!)
<folder to database server program\STOPSERV.EXE
COPY <database> <backupfolder>\
Otherwice you can make a CMD file and use command UNINSTALLASSERVICE, COPY database and then again command INSTALLASSERVICE.
Its really long time since I did that, but I hope you find help.
Kind regards
E-mail: info@rainerbay.dk
Skype: rainerbaydk