Installation of 2.01 failed

KromozoneKromozone Member Posts: 47
edited 2005-01-04 in Navision Financials

i've just tried to Install Navision 2.01 at our Customer. He uninstalled Navision a few weeks ago. Now i get the Error that the Setup could not write the file "c:\dokumenten und einstellungen\[..]\carin\.*" (sorry, I haven't got the correct Path).

I run the Setup as local Administrator :cry:

Sorry about the poor Description.

Any Hint?

Thank you in Advance & Greetings from rainy Germany!


  • Tommy_SchouTommy_Schou Member Posts: 117
    Hrm. I can't say that I know exactly what your problem is, but the fact that it tries to access a director named [carin] when you are logged in as local administrator suggests to me that you might want to make a search for all .zup files on the machine. Delete any you find and then try to run the install program again.

    IF this actually works THEN
    Why the h... does the installer use a .zup-file? :-)
    Best regards
  • KromozoneKromozone Member Posts: 47
    I just called our Customer and he gave me wrong Info's yesterday. The Problem occures at the start of Navision after the reinstall. Maybe the Tip with the ZUP will help :wink:
  • Tommy_SchouTommy_Schou Member Posts: 117
    Kromozone wrote:
    I just called our Customer and he gave me wrong Info's yesterday. The Problem occures at the start of Navision after the reinstall. Maybe the Tip with the ZUP will help :wink:

    Ahh yes. The I definitely think that will do the trick. Or you could alter the shortcut to starting navision to include the "id" paramter. Ie. fin.exe id=fin201 or somesuch! :)
    Best regards
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