Credit memo's in Payment Journal

CuypzCuypz Member Posts: 56
Hello all,

I have just finished installing the so-called "SEPA" update for our Navision application. Now we can finally start working with the payment suggestions to create an XML file for our banking software.

We have stumbled across a few things I'm hoping one of you can explain:

Vendor X: we have received an invoice for € 1000.
Vendor X: we have received a credit memo for € 100.

As it stands right now, we should pay 900 euro to our vendor. However, when we generate the payment suggestion, we get two lines in the journal: one for the invoice (+ 1000 euro) and one for the credit memo (- 100 euro). The system doesn't allow negative values to be sent to the banking software (which makes sense, because otherwise it'd be very easy to credit someone's account without them knowing it), so I'd expect the system to suggest to pay the difference between the two, but this is not the case.

1. One solution would be to accumulate the two lines ourselves and apply both the invoice and the credit memo to that payment journal line, but that is impossible to do as we can only apply one document to one payment line. Pretty big design flaw if you ask me, since you càn apply multiple documents to one incoming payment.
2. Another solution would be to pay 900 euro's now and afterwards manually apply the creditmemo and the invoice to get rid of the outstanding documents (as the balance would be zero). This however does not seem the practical thing to do.

Is it normal behaviour that Navision can't handle a situation like this, or am I missing some essential parameter?



  • naviannavian Member Posts: 39
    What about applying the credit memo to the invoice when it gets received?
    Just a thought...
  • aseigleaseigle Member Posts: 207
    What options did you use when suggesting the vendor payments? Did you summarize? That creates 1 combined for multiple invoices/credit memos, which seems to solve your issue.
  • LouisLouis Member Posts: 78
    Credit Memo 100
    Invoice 1000

    Is the application Credit Memo/Invoice the only solution or is it a parameter to allow payment line combination ?

  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Generally speaking there should not be any unapplied posts. I know that in some cases it makes little sense, because that credit memo was not an invoice correction but say a return for some faulty products etc. But look at it this way. Consider their 100 credit memo as a coupon. Even when it is not related to that invoice, you pay part of the invoice with the coupon. That means apply them.
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