Changing the Page number while running a report

imclever1205imclever1205 Member Posts: 94
Hi all,

I need to change the page number of a report at tne run time i.e i have reset the page number to '1...' each time I'm getting a different cheque number/vendor number.
Im not getting the proper trigger to do it and im lost.
Any help??


  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884
    You need to manage it manualy by coding.
    what are you going to do exactly?
  • imclever1205imclever1205 Member Posts: 94
    See i have a table called Remittance.In it ,there is a cheque no. for each vendor no.
    At the time,im running the report,when the vendor no. changes,the report's Page no. should start agin from one for this next vendor no.
    Im not getting the proper code nor the proper trigger to do so.
  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884
    Default system print page no. in header so if you want to initilize Page No. on a particular condition then
    you need to write code on OnAfterGetRecord trigger like..
    IF Condition THEN
       CurrReport.PAGENO := 0;
  • imclever1205imclever1205 Member Posts: 94
    I tried writing on the After GetRecord() trigger but it didnt work and this is what worries me..
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