Running NAV 2009 R2 RTC.
Let's say that I added an additional field named "Test Field" in Table "Purch. Rcpt. Line (121)". I'm using a code to fill in the field.
Then when I take the following steps, I get an error message.
1. Open Purchase Invoice
2. Enter Header Infomation
3. Go to Line >> Functions >> Get Receipt Lines
- Get Receipt Lines page will popup
4. On the page, set the filter to "Test Field" and look for a value. (let's say I entered Abcd)
- Now i get an error message saying
Purch. Rcpt. Line: There is no Purch. Rcpt. Line within the filter. Filters: Document No.:XXXX, Test Field: Abcd, Qty. Rcd. Not Invoice: <> 0, Pay-to Vendor No.: V02987
5. I then click OK to clear the above message, and then the List Page will show the result using the Filter that I entered.
(So the filter actually suceeded, although I got an error message)
6. Without closing the page, if I try to filter again, I don't receive any error message any more.
7. But once I close the page, and try to filter, I receive the same error message.
Pleas let me know if you have any solutions for this kind of error.
Thank you.
I tried this but working fine for me in 2009SP1
Do you think it would be a problem if I have multiple FlowFields in the table?