Why default bin not work when activiate "Require receipt"

kiyackiyac Member Posts: 118

I found an issue that default bin is not work (ie can't auto carry to PO line) when PO line "location code" with "Require receipt" = yes (which is set in location card).

If I change the location setting to "Require receipt" = No, and then insert a new item line in PO, then this time the bin code will automatically carry out base on the setting in item card.

May I know why "require reciept" = yes, default bin funciton seems disable?
Is there any application point of view behind?

Details setting as below :
Item "A" with Bin content setting (which is set in item card > item > Bin Content) :
Location Code: Silver
Bin Code : S-001
Default = Yes

Location "Silver" with setting (which is set in location card)
Bin Mandatory = Yes
Default Bin Selection = Fixed Bin
Require Receipt = Yes


  • rhpntrhpnt Member Posts: 688
    This is because when a WH receipt is required it's the job of the WH employee to determine the "put" bin in the WH receipt for the item.
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