Infopat Submit

RawHeatRawHeat Member Posts: 63
edited 2011-03-14 in NAV Three Tier
I want to enter create and update data in navision 2009 R2 through infopath.
i am able to view data but submitting is creating problems..
has anyone worked over it ???


  • dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169

    Please Explain Error in Detail and if Possible then please attach screenshot.
  • RawHeatRawHeat Member Posts: 63
    I ve got a way to enter records and to retrive records to and from nav respectively.
    No issues over here.

    is there any way: where i enter a value in a text box in infopath here and my value get updated in navision runtime.??
    for example: There is a sales order S0001 here in infopath.
    i retrive the sales order S0001 and i want to change the sell-to customer no. from 10000 to 30000.
    so i drill down and change the customer to 30000.
    As per navision it changes bill-to customer no., description etc etc etc.
    Same validations should happen once i update teh customer no. here in infopath. I should not press any button. all should happen in validation of textbox in infopath.
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