Can´t create or open another database

StGroStGro Member Posts: 13
edited 2005-01-03 in Navision Financials

I want to create a second database on a 2.01 server, trying to do so by file|database|new.
I get an error message saying something like (translated from German): "You cannot open or create another database because it has been opened on the server using the property database=<database name>. To use the database you have to restart the server with the same property (but another database name)".

Same software and license file works fine (going the same way file|database|new) on my own server at home.

I have not set up the machine giving me the error but did not find something strange.

Anyone can help me finding the problem?



  • Dean_AxonDean_Axon Member Posts: 193
    Hi Steffen,

    Haven't seen the exact message before, but I have experienced similar with Financials if still connected to the main server.

    Try File>>Server>>Disconnect and then attempt to create a new database.

    Dean :D

    p.s. re-reading your post, what exactley are you trying to do as I fear that your trying to do something that is not standard.

    Let us know
    Remember: Keep it simple
  • StGroStGro Member Posts: 13
    Hi Dean,

    thank you for your reply!
    I try to create another database file for testing/development purpose as I use to try modules before implementing (in other systems I worked with).

    I think I figured out what was the problem..As I said, I did not set up the server. The person who did has defined the database-file to be used on the server (So you do not have to select it at client pc´s).
    Seems like whenever you do so, you can not create or select another database file from a client.

    Is this a non standard routine? If there is a better way, let me know!

  • Dean_AxonDean_Axon Member Posts: 193
    Hi Steffen,

    No problems in what you are wanting to do, but you do not need to store this test DB on the server.

    In the Financials versions using the client-server enviroment you always had to disconnect from the server first. There are many ways in which you could achieve what you desire, but the most user-friendly fro yourself maybe to create a 2nd client install on your own pc. This way you can still connect to the DB on the server and have your testing system open at the same time.

    Dean :D
    Remember: Keep it simple
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