In Classic you can click MenuSuite Company 90 then go to menus (on the left), right click and say "create menu" .... and you will end up with something like the picture below:
I want to know how to do this within the RTC? It is possible? I know how to add a "group" in the RTC to a Department like Sales and Marketing - but can I make a new "Department"?
You have this list of images to choose from:
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The problem with an Activity Button is that (from my expereince) it seems you can only add "list type" Pages? I need to add some custom Card Type Pages and Reports. I was able to add them under Sales and Marketing in Departments, I was just hoping to be able to make a new department so they could stand out more. But maybe this is not possible?
The bad thing about this solution is that you if you close the page you opened, but you want to open it again, you need to select another page first.
But better than nothing :-k
did you try by transforming the Menusuite 90 to 1090?
it is possible to create new department in RTC...