Developer Exam Question

nix80nix80 Member Posts: 4
I have some doubts about this question:

A report is not producing any output. What may be the cause?

A) The request form was not used.
B) Calcsums was not called in the OnAfterGetRecord trigger
C) The report has been filtered with code so that no records match the filter(s)
D) The PrintOnlyIfDetail proprety has been set to true on the outermost indented DataItem

Correct asnwer it says to be the D but for me the correct answer should be C cause if no record match the filter the report dosen't elaborate nothing not even header, while the if the PrintOnlyIfDetailed was set to true it won't eleborate the lines but will write the header at least. Am I wrong? What am i missing? #-o

Thank you


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