NAV 2009 R2 Issue

dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169
edited 2011-03-03 in NAV Three Tier
Hello Everyone,

I am facing the following Problem:

We have policy of Shut down Windows Server Every day.
I have install NAV 2009 R2 and I set NAV Server and NAV Web Service start automatically.
Both Services are running with "Network Services".

First Time when I start NAV 2009 R2, I got the error "The specified path is invalid." When I try second time to start NAV 2009 R2 then I get error:
"Metadate for Object of type table with id 2000000073 is in a failed state.This is cause by a previous exception:The specified path is invalid."

When Stop and start the NAV Server and NAV Web Servies then The problem is resolved and again next day morning, The problem occurs.

Please See the screen shot for Error Message.

Any help is appriciated.


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    For the first error. Make sure you compile table 2000000073 User Personalization and that the user logging as permission to it.

    As for the second error, do you have any customization that is run on open company?

    what kind of database is this?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169
    Hello Rashed,
    Thank you for Reply.
    I have compiled Table 2000000073 User Personalization and I have super user permission in Database.

    I get error in Error1 and Error2 (Attached Screen Shot) in sequence.
    First Error (Error1 Screenshot) comes only once but Second error(Error2 Screenshot) gets repeated until I stop and start NAV Server and NAV Web Services. :? ](*,)

    There is no customization that is run on open company.
  • PeterVersteegePeterVersteege Member Posts: 13
    I think you should try to run the service under a domain user, it could very well be that the 'Network Service' doesnot have sufficient rights for a certain task.
    K3 Business Solutions
  • dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169
    Thanks for Reply.

    I have already tried that Option. I have tried to run NAV Server and NAV Webservice using Administrator Account (Domain User and Super User).In this case, NAV Server (Set startup automatically)doesnot start automatically. ](*,)
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    part of installation walkthrough is giving the user access to the folder. Did you do this?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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