Defining Maximum QTY Decimal and Unit Amount Decimal

knmknm Member Posts: 170

I'm posting this questions as I couldn't find the answer on this, anywhere in this forum.
If this is already answered in this forum, I would greatly appreciate if you could point me to them.

Where can I define the allowed Maximum QTY Decimal and Unit Amount Decimal entered on the Sales and Purchase Order entry pages.

Please let me know.

Thank you.



  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Standard NAV is set to 0:5 decimal places for most QTY fields. You would have to go to object designer and change the field properties to allow more EG 0:6 will allow 1.123456 but will give you a message say max decimals is 6 if u entered 1.1234567.

    The unit decimal is set against the GL setup for LCY and against the currency table for FCY

    You ma have to display the fields on GL setup form
  • knmknm Member Posts: 170

    Thank you for your response.

    So does this mean that for QTY Decimal places, there is no setup window available in NAV where you can control the entry for all QTY fields?

    For Unit Amoutn Decimal Places, now I see where to setup, thank you!

  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    There is no restriction in the other qty fieds (maybe in warehousing???).

    Change the field like i did and you will see all the other fields will take the value of posting etc.

    You may see 6 decimals rounded to 5 though in some fields where its view proprties are 2:5 etc
  • knmknm Member Posts: 170
    Now I got it.

    Thank you!

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