Restricting a Super user to access Only one company

venu258venu258 Member Posts: 9
edited 2011-03-01 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All,

I am using NAV 2009, where i have 4 super users and my clinet wants one of them to restrict to access only one company in the database through RTC. For that I followed the below steps first

1) From Classic client with SQL option, I went to Security-> Windows Login-> Roles-> Selected a company in the Company field.

System was throwing an error related to permission on Table 2000000073 when open the RTC. I went through some posts related to this and later did the following.

1) Imported the user Roles and Permission from UserRoles.xml and UserRolePermissions.xml file.

2) Assigned a BASIC role to the super user whom I restricted to access one company

3) Ran synchronise all logins

4) Restarted the services.

Now Icould able to connect to the database using RTC, but the user is able to access all the companys of the database.

Please guide me how to resolve this.

Thanx in advance.....



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