Multiple Sales Line Discounts

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I'm currently implementing NAV for a customer who requires a variety of sales line discounts available. They have the following discounts :

A) Customer Discount : % off an item or group of items for a specific customer
B) Multi-buy Discount : % off when purchasing a full carton (if 6 units in a carton, get 1 free = 16.67% discount)
C) Promotion Discount : % off items/groups of items for all customers between a range of dates
D) Seasonal Discount : % off items/groups of items for all customers between a range of dates

C and D are effectively the same. Only one discount can apply per order line - the best discount for the customer. I understand that each of these scenarios can be achieved in standard NAV, and it will pick the best discount. However the problem I have is that each of the 4 discounts A - D needs to be reported separately, and in the case of C) there could be several promotions. Obviously all line discounts go to 1 G/L in the chart of accounts so I need to somehow split the postings using a dimension. I'm guessing I need to do some development to attach a dimension value code to a sales line discount record, and get the discount selection routine to apply the dimension to the sales line when the discount is selected.

I've also looked at using campaign discounts, but I don't think I can use these as it seems a sales order can only have 1 campaign code, whereas we could have multiple promotions on one order. It would also mean having to setup dummy contacts to get the discounts to work for all customers.

Has anybody achieved anything similar to what I need?

Any help appreciated,



  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Hi John,

    Without using another vertical like pebblestone etc it sounds like you are effectively trying to allow a mechanism to breakdown your sales lines discounts.

    Assuming you don't have scenarios where you want to apply multiple discounts to a single line to give you could breakdown your analysis by the general product group against each line against a seperate GL in the posting setup as well. It depends what your most important reporting details are.

    Another simple method that is recorded on the GL would be to develop code to insert the sales code into the reason code field.
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Hi Jannestig,

    Thanks for the reply, I hadn't considered using different product posting groups which as you say would allow discounts to go to different GL accounts. I think though that one way or another there's no avoiding some development here to automatically select a code to use to define the type of discount - whether the code used is a posting group/dimension/reason code.


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