Additional entries when Posting Deposits

SbhatSbhat Member Posts: 301
Hi Folks -

One of our client is on NAV 5.0 and they posted a deposit for $2000. After posting the deposit when they Navigate to Detailed Cust. Ledger entry they see that the amount has been split 4 lines

Detailed Cust. ledger entry looks like this

Posting Date Customer No. Amount
02/20/11 Jones Brother 1998.00
02/20/11 Jones Brother -1998.00
02/20/11 Jones Brother 2.00
02/20/11 Jones Brother -2.00

G/L entry looks like this

Posting Date Document No. Amount

02/20/11 PJ0001 2000.00
02/20/11 PJ0001 -2000.00
02/20/11 PJ0001 0.00
02/20/11 PJ0001 -0.00

I am not sure how the $2.00 transaction came into Detailed Cust. ledger entry because the transaction was for $2000 and why does it have 0 dollar posted to G/L entry.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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