Hello folks!
I seem to have a little problem.
I have a table in the body of my report that is suppose to display the sales line data from an order that was just placed. Here is the layout from the RDLC
As you can see "Net Unit Price " is on the same line as the "Unit Price" which is located 2 cells to the left of "Net Unit Price" This price should display the price for that line item.
Here is what is displayed from the classic client and RTC and how it's suppose to look
You see that the first line item is suppose to have a Net unit price of $55.60 and the 2nd line item is $6.28 ... but here is how the report prints out the prices
It takes the Net Unit Price for the 2nd Line Item and places it where the first one is. I did not make any modification to the C/AL code in the report. This Net Unit Price is a function that is located in the Sales Line Table and all I do in the sections view is call the function to display in the body.
Can anyone give me any insight to what i'm doing wrong? I haven't come across this problem before and I don't know where to begin to tackle this problem.
Thanks again! Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
did you try adding the field in body(below section)?
It's because the next body line is for KitSales which means if there is another subitem attached to the main item it will print.. if there is nothing then that line will not print but I figured it out! Here is the solution:
***NOTE: THis is for NA report 10075 "Sales Order"***
Go to Classic report and make sure your textbox properties - MultiLine is set to NO and BlankZero is set to Yes . Next is to make sure you are using the "TempSalesLine.FieldName" variable instead of "Sales Line".FieldName ...
Then in the RDLC make sure to put in a IIF statement like so in the visable property like so : =IIF(Fields!TempSalesLine__No__.Value="",TRUE,FALSE) and the =Code.BlankZero( ) expression to the cell box