Navision Crosstab Report
Crosstab report in Navision 3.7. It's dynamic crosstab with dynamic grouping.
Please give me a good vote, I'm still a beginner in Navision.
Great Idea!
I think this can only be accomplished using Crystal, and this was one of my question at the training. Unfortunately, WHY DON'T you give some explanation regarding your design (documentation)? It's pretty troublesome when I execute (run) the imported object, it always said that Report TempTable is empty? What it should be?
I'm uploading an enhance version for this Crosstab report. "Report Temptable is Empty" means there is no data. You can try to check out the filter that you applied.
I haven't got time to write out the documentation. Sorry about that.
I already import to User Preference table using dataport
Then I ran report Crosstab with Selectable Table > SIN > Sales Invoice By Product > filled following fields:
Column: Salesperson No.|SALESPNO
Group 1: Salesperson No.|SALESPNO
Value: Quantity|QTY
Posting Date: 01/02/05 To 14/03/05
and let other fields to default, but an error came up:
The value of COPYSTR parameter 3 is outside of the permitted range
In dataitem named "Init", proceed to C/AL editor (F9),
Add in the code below, line number 3, 4, and 7.
1 FOR gint_Counter:=1 TO 4 DO
3 IF gtxt_GroupingSelected[gint_Counter]<>'' THEN
5 gtxt_Grouping[gint_Counter]:=COPYSTR(gtxt_GroupingSelected[gint_Counter],1,
6 gtxt_GroupingSelected[gint_Counter]:=COPYSTR(gtxt_GroupingSelected[gint_Counter],
7 END;
8 END;
It is because I didn't code much on the validation. :-$
This was created in 2004, years before NAV 2009 was released. Although it might be possible to run it from the RTC (try it), and suggesting an RDLC layout might work as well (try it), it was certainly not designed for it.
I think this can only be accomplished using Crystal, and this was one of my question at the training. Unfortunately, WHY DON'T you give some explanation regarding your design (documentation)? It's pretty troublesome when I execute (run) the imported object, it always said that
Report TempTable is empty?
That's all about it.
I'm uploading an enhance version for this Crosstab report.
"Report Temptable is Empty" means there is no data. You can try to check out the filter that you applied.
I haven't got time to write out the documentation. Sorry about that.
Peter Ng
Enhance version from previous Crosstab, added features like selectable table, field, grouping, column, value.
All settings can be save, allow unlimited reports.
Don't forget to import the report settings.
Discuss this download here.
Have you import the data using the dataport? The report is using the data stored in the "User Preference" table, as parameter for your selection.
Peter Ng
Then I ran report Crosstab with Selectable Table > SIN > Sales Invoice By Product > filled following fields:
Column: Salesperson No.|SALESPNO
Group 1: Salesperson No.|SALESPNO
Value: Quantity|QTY
Posting Date: 01/02/05 To 14/03/05
and let other fields to default, but an error came up:
The value of COPYSTR parameter 3 is outside of the permitted range
What did I do wrong?
In dataitem named "Init", proceed to C/AL editor (F9),
Add in the code below, line number 3, 4, and 7.
It is because I didn't code much on the validation. :-$
Peter Ng