Printing Additional Address Fields on Computer Check

knmknm Member Posts: 170

I'm running NAV2009 R2 RTC client, and am currently modifying a Report Layout so that it shows additional address fields that I added for transaction entries.
For example, assuming that I added Address3 and Address4, I would like these 2 additional fields to be part of the fields printed on the Computer Check report.

I thought I could just add the address fields, but looking at the report section, I see that the following statement is being used, which seems to be using an array.

Since I'm not familiar with working on this kind of reports, I would greatly appreciate the steps that I should be taking to add the extra Address Fields that I need to add.

I'm guessing that some how I have to add the extra addresses inside the array CheckToAddr[].

Please let me know.

Thank you.



  • knmknm Member Posts: 170
    OK now I see that under "GenJnlLine - OnAfterGetRecord()" there is the following statement, which is allocating the values in the array.
    FOR i := 1 TO 5 DO
    CheckToAddr := Text003;

    So its looping to insert the Text003 into the ChecktoAddr array, but does anybody know how the value of Text003 determined? And where it is defined?

    Thank you.

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    In the variables, is your report calling & using Codeunit "Format Address" (365)?

    There is a ton of functions in that CU
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