Navision 3.75

moh_baradamoh_barada Member Posts: 46
Does any one worked with 3.75 .Is there alot of bugs in this version or it's working perfect.cause i'm upgrading a version of a customer from 2.6 to 3.7 but i was thinking why not to use 3.75.Does anyone used this version before.[?]
NB: i didnt use 4.0 cause it's new version and i dont want surprise also i need retail part.
Best Regards
Mohamad Barada
Independent ERP & CRM Consultant
+961 70 912700


  • riki7riki7 Member Posts: 29
    I have installed 3.7B (this one was realesed on November 2004 so i think this is the same version) and been working on with that version for a month now. I was trying to check if some of the bugs that existed in the 3.7 version were gone but the ones that i have checked unfortunately they still were there (i have installed the Navision 4 version as well and those bugs where gone). You can try installing 3.7B version.
  • moh_baradamoh_barada Member Posts: 46
    Sorry maybe i asked the question in wrong way.I mean navision 3.7 with landsteinar 3.75 (retail part of navision).does any one worked with landsteinar 3.75 before???
    Best Regards
    Mohamad Barada
    Independent ERP & CRM Consultant
    +961 70 912700
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