Our client has used manufacturer part numbers containing equals signs this seems to be causing issues on Page joins
I am using a Page to expose [“Sales Invoice Line”] linked to [Serial Number Ledger Entry”] using the property SubFormLink Item No.=FIELD(No.),Document No.=FIELD(Document No.),Entry Type=CONST(Sale)
This works fine when we run the Page from the object designer and as we page up and down the [“Sales Invoice Line”] records, the (Part Page) SubForm lists the items serial number associated to the line. When we run this using an ASP.NET page linked to the web services we get the following error.
The filter ‘PIX-515-VPN0-3DES=‘ is invalid. You entered an invalid expression in the filter on the Item No. field in the Serial Number Ledger Entry table.
It looks as though the Web Service ‘service’ is using some form of filtering and interpreting the special characters =?<> when it builds the SQL join? I have tried applying the filter in code to the subform but this has not worked because initially it retrieves all records which kills the web service.
Is this by design? Have others experienced this? Can anyone think of a work around apart from exposing Header / Lines as separate web services and thus increasing server round trips? Just installed NAV2009R2 but still no joy
We are also developing a system that from within Navision tables/forms allows multiple middle tier services to be configured. These can then be enable/disabled from within Navision to allow some form of load balancing across mutlipe middle tier server services and allow us to migrate a running solution from one server to another to reduce down time. Anyone else had experience with this or developed their own solution?