Catalog (Purchase) - multi currency - howto compare prices

LouisLouis Member Posts: 78
I'm looking for the best practice to allow the purchaser to compare prices from foreign vendors.
Suppose foreign vendors for the same item
- one China vendor with prices in Yuan
- one US vendor with prices in USD
- one Japanese with prices in YEN
In NAV, you get 3 lines in Item > Purchase > Prices
but no function to allow a compare in EUR between these 3 prices (YUAN / USD / YEN)

Tips and suggestions will be welcome.


  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    You can add a field, say Purchase Price LCY, and can show the purchase price in the line in your LCY (or any other currency as required) using the latest exchange rates.

  • LouisLouis Member Posts: 78
    Thank you Deep.

    I think this field should be there "out of the box". :idea:
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