Hello! I have the following problem on a standard Romanian NAV 2009 R2 database :
In general journals I have two lines in LCY, one with Debit Amount = 1000 and one with Credit Amonut = 2000. Total amount (LCY) will be 3000. In RTC , if I run test report without Show Dimensions checkbox Total amount is ok. If I run it with checkbox Show Dimension Total amount is 4000 (it adds twice the amount of the first line). In classic client everythink is fine.
Is this a bug ? I don't think it's a localized object because it's version is NAVW16.00.01.
I tried to fix the report but I don't understand the logic of the RDLC. In Gen. Journal Line - OnAfterGetRecord the amount is put in a variable AmountLCY which is shown in RDLC with SUM. In dataitem ErrorLoop - OnPreDataitem (intended below Gen. Journal Line) the variable AmountLCY is initialized to zero and I don't understand why.
Maybe the solution is simple but I don't understand how it's calculated the sum of AmountLCY and why it adds twice the first amount. I have read documentation about reports for RTC but this is the first report that I'm actually modifying.
New Code :
Please try and Let me know... :thumbsup: