SETFILTER(DateTimeField, '02/10/11 11:15:37 AM');
OBJECT Table 61000 DateTime Inaccuracy Test Table { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=02/10/11; Time=11:51:20 AM; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { } FIELDS { { 1 ; ;Primary Key ;Code10 } { 2 ; ;DateTimeField ;DateTime } } KEYS { { ;Primary Key ;Clustered=Yes } } FIELDGROUPS { } CODE { BEGIN END. } } OBJECT Form 61000 DateTime Inaccuracy Test Form { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=02/10/11; Time=12:02:22 PM; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { Width=9790; Height=6710; TableBoxID=1000000000; SourceTable=Table61000; OnOpenForm=BEGIN SETFILTER(DateTimeField, '02/10/11 11:15:37 AM'); END; } CONTROLS { { 1000000000;TableBox;220 ;220 ;9350 ;5500 ;HorzGlue=Both; VertGlue=Both } { 1000000001;TextBox;0 ;0 ;2750 ;0 ;ParentControl=1000000000; InColumn=Yes; SourceExpr=DateTimeField } { 1000000002;Label ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;ParentControl=1000000001; InColumnHeading=Yes } { 1000000003;CommandButton;2530;5940;2200;550; HorzGlue=Right; VertGlue=Bottom; Default=Yes; PushAction=LookupOK; InvalidActionAppearance=Hide } { 1000000004;CommandButton;4950;5940;2200;550; HorzGlue=Right; VertGlue=Bottom; Cancel=Yes; PushAction=LookupCancel; InvalidActionAppearance=Hide } { 1000000005;CommandButton;7370;5940;2200;550; HorzGlue=Right; VertGlue=Bottom; PushAction=FormHelp } } CODE { BEGIN END. } } OBJECT Page 61000 DateTime Inaccuracy Test Page { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=02/10/11; Time=12:01:51 PM; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { SourceTable=Table61000; PageType=List; OnOpenPage=BEGIN SETFILTER(DateTimeField, '02/10/11 11:15:37 AM'); END; } CONTROLS { { 1000000000;0;Container; ContainerType=ContentArea } { 1000000001;1;Group ; Name=Group; GroupType=Repeater } { 1000000002;2;Field ; SourceExpr=DateTimeField } } CODE { BEGIN END. } }
i suggest you to search partnersource and/or ask microsoft
P.S.: if you do a findfirst, it doesn't fail, thus, i think that it's half correct :shock:
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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